SBStickyNotes: Pin Notes To Your iPhone Springboard [Cydia Tweak]

Posted by Internet Business Consultant On Monday, January 2, 2012 0 comments
iOS device as well. Windows 7 has a pretty neat implementation of the concept, and now you can do the same in your jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, with the freshly launched Cydia tweak, named SBStickyNotes. The tweak will let you customize and pin any note to your iPhone’s Springboard.

SBStickyNotes SBStickyNotes Settings
After you have installed this free tweak from the Big Boss repo, it will add a new button to the stock in your iDevice. All you have to do to create a pin-able note in your iPhone, is to go to the Notes app, and write whatever you want in a new note. After you are done, look at the bottom bar, and you will notice a new icon in that area, sitting right next to the Delete icon. This is the Pin button, and tapping it will take you straight to the Springboard, where you will see that the note has been pinned to the home screen. All pinned notes will have the same icon, and their name will be the same as the starting words in the note.
You can make changes to the sticky note’s interface by going to the Settings menu of your iDevice. In the Extensions tab, you will find a menu for the newly installed SBStickyNotes. Here, you can change the color of the note by adjusting tints, and there is also the option to tinker with the Animation Speed of these notes. There are many apps for creating sticky notes in iOS, but this tweak pins the notes in a pretty unique way, and just for its interface, is definitely worth a try.


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